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- Catalogue
- Catalogue
- Catalogue
- Catalogue
- Catalogue
- The *ntsiad
- Accursed Poets
- The Advantages of Nearly Dying
- Alice in Winterland
- Angel in Flames
- Anxious Corporals
- The Arrival of the Orchestra
- The Arrival of the Orchestra
- Articles of War - OUT OF PRINT
- Attempts on Death
- Attempts on Death
- Autumn Manuscripts
- Autumn Manuscripts
- Babi Yar and Other Poems
- Babi Yar and Other Poems
- Barearse Boy
- The Battle of Heptonstall
- Beans in Snow - OUT OF PRINT
- Being Gemini
- Better than Paradise
- Between Stations
- Bigger on the Inside
- billy casper’s tears
- Black Bullets in the Sweet Jar
- A Blade of Grass:
- The Blockade Swallow
- The Blockade Swallow
- The Blue Cat Walks the Earth
- Blues in the Park (in hardback) - OUT OF PRINT
- Blues in the Park (in paperback) - OUT OF PRINT
- Bonehead's Utopia - OUT OF PRINT
- Bones of Birds - OUT OF PRINT
- book of days - OUT OF PRINT
- book of days - OUT OF PRINT
- Both
- Brandon Pithouse
- Breakfast at Wetherspoons - OUT OF PRINT
- The Call of the Clerihew
- The Call of the Clerihew
- Carrying a Tree on the Bus to Low Edges
- Caught - OUT OF PRINT
- Celebrate Wha? - OUT OF PRINT
- Celebrate Wha? - OUT OF PRINT
- Chagall’s Moon
- Chips, Paracetamol and Wine
- Christmas in Auschwitz
- Christmas in Auschwitz
- Citizens
- Civil Insolencies
- Clydebuilt
- The Collected Poems of Montagu Slater
- The Collected Poems of Montagu Slater
- Common Cause
- Common Cause
- Composition in White
- Crisis - OUT OF PRINT
- Cromwell’s Head
- Crucifixion in the Plaza de Armas - OUT OF PRINT
- Dance of the EQUINOX - OUT OF PRINT
- Dances with Vowels
- Dangerous Pursuit of Yellow
- dante in the laundrette
- Dark Room Elegies
- Darkling
- Dead Flies
- Dead Flies
- Dear Refugee
- Desperanto
- Digressions
- Digressions
- Disbelief
- Disbelief
- Disbelief
- The Dogs
- Don't Forget the Couscous
- Don't Mention the Children
- Downpour
- Dummy!
- Dunstanburgh - OUT OF PRINT
- Dusk
- Eating Thistles
- Eftwyrd
- Englaland
- Epitaphios
- Epitaphios
- The Erotics of God - OUT OF PRINT
- Everyman Street - OUT OF PRINT
- Farewell Performance
- Ferocious
- First Fleet
- First Fleet
- Flute Music
- Footprints
- Footprints
- Found Wanting
- The Fourth Quarter
- Fox Populi
- From Here to Timbuktu - OUT OF PRINT
- Germany - OUT OF PRINT
- Germany - OUT OF PRINT
- Grace Note
- Granny Albyn's Complaint
- Great Fugue
- Great Fugue
- Great Fugue
- The Great Plan B
- The Great Plan B
- Greedy Cow
- The Gypsy and the Candy Floss Queen
- The Heartless Traffic - OUT OF PRINT
- His Hands Were Gentle
- How Death Came into the World
- How I Learned to Sing - OUT OF PRINT
- If the Symptoms Persist
- If the Symptoms Persist
- If This Were Real - OUT OF PRINT
- If You Want Thunder
- Imagined Corners
- Incendium Amoris
- The Incident
- The Infinite Town
- Invisible Sun
- Isabella - OUT OF PRINT
- Isabella - OUT OF PRINT
- John Berger: Collected Poems
- Jolly Roger - OUT OF PRINT
- Just Because - OUT OF PRINT
- Keir Hardie Street
- The Knucklebone Floor
- Landscape with Mutant
- Laventille - OUT OF PRINT
- Leásungspell
- Lenin - OUT OF PRINT
- Lenin - OUT OF PRINT
- Les Chambres
- Les Chambres
- Letter to Auden - OUT OF PRINT
- Liberties
- the light user scheme
- Lightning of Your Eyes
- Lightyear
- Lightyear
- The Limerickiad
- The Limerickiad volume II
- The Limerickiad volume III
- The Limerickiad volume IV
- Liminal
- Line Drawing
- Listening to a Pogrom on the Radio
- Little Blue Hut
- The Long White Thread of Words
- Looking for Trouble
- Looking for Trouble
- Looking for Trouble
- Looking for Trouble
- Love and War: Contemporary Kurdish Women Poets
- Love and War: Contemporary Kurdish Women Poets
- The Love Songs of Late Capitalism
- Machine Poems
- Mad Parade
- The Madman in this House
- The Malvern Aviator
- Marginal Future
- The Meaning of the Shovel - OUT OF PRINT
- Missing
- Money is a Kind of Poetry - OUT OF PRINT
- More Bloody Clerihews
- More Bloody Clerihews
- Moscow as an Upturned Umbrella
- Mother Courage and her Children
- Mother Courage and her Children
- Mr Mensh
- My Life in Squares
- Nadir
- New and Selected Sorrows
- New Boots and Pantisocracies - OUT OF PRINT
- New Boots and Pantisocracies - OUT OF PRINT
- Nomad
- Nothing Out of This World
- Occupied City - OUT OF PRINT
- Occupied City - OUT OF PRINT
- Occupied City - OUT OF PRINT
- Oedipus is Innocent
- Oedipus is Innocent
- On the Saltmarsh - OUT OF PRINT
- One Day in the Life of Jimmy Denisovich
- Oneiromancy
- Oneiromancy
- Only Not Walking - OUT OF PRINT
- Open Plan
- The Oranges of Revolution
- Orpheus Ascending - OUT OF PRINT
- Oswald's Book of Hours
- Out of Gaza
- Out of Gaza
- The Out-Islands
- Pastrami Faced Racist
- Paul Bunyan
- Pavilion
- Pebbles
- Permanent Winter - OUT OF PRINT
- Permanent Winter - OUT OF PRINT
- Pike in a Carp Pond - OUT OF PRINT
- Plague Songs
- Poems from Prison and Life - OUT OF PRINT
- Poems from Prison and Life - OUT OF PRINT
- Poems of a Palestinian Boyhood
- Poets and the Algerian War
- Poets and the Algerian War
- Precarious - OUT OF PRINT
- primitive cartography
- Raiment
- Return to Streets of Eternity
- Roar!
- Roma
- Romiosini
- Romiosini
- A Rose Loupt Oot - OUT OF PRINT
- Russia is Burning:
- Screaming Olives
- Sedgemoor
- Seeds of Fire
- The Seer Sung Husband - OUT OF PRINT
- The Selected Poems of Clive Branson
- The Selected Poems of Clive Branson
- Separated from the Sun
- Separated from the Sun
- Several Forms of Speech
- The Silence that Remains - OUT OF PRINT
- The Silence that Remains - OUT OF PRINT
- Sister Invention
- Sisters - OUT OF PRINT
- Sleeper
- Slow Burner
- Smokestack Lightning
- Someday There Will Be Machine Shops Full of Roses
- Song of Stars
- Song of Stars
- Squeak, Budgie!
- Still Life - OUT OF PRINT
- Still Life - OUT OF PRINT
- straya
- The Streets of Algiers and Other Poems - OUT OF PRINT
- Stretch
- Subject Matters (in hardback)
- Subsidence
- Survivors
- Swarf
- Swear Down
- The Tale of Walter the Pencil Man
- The Tale of Walter the Pencil Man
- The Tale of Walter the Pencil Man
- Talking to the Dead
- Tan Raptures
- The Tattooist's Chair
- Tea with the Taliban
- Tell it Like it Might Be - OUT OF PRINT
- Terrace
- There Will Be No Miracles Here - OUT OF PRINT
- This Noise is Free - OUT OF PRINT
- Tinikling
- Tough
- Town
- Truth Street
- Tyorkin in the Other World
- Tyorkin in the Other World
- Underneath
- union
- unselected poems
- Vasili Tyorkin
- Vasili Tyorkin
- Voices From The Land Of Trees
- Wait For Me
- We Are Here to Stay
- We Are Here to Stay
- We're Going On!
- Whatsname Street
- When The Metro Is Free
- When We Were Almost Like Men
- White Tulip - OUT OF PRINT
- Who Are The English?
- Winter Breaks
- Without Passport or Apology - OUT OF PRINT
- Woke up this Morning
- Writ on Cold Slate - OUT OF PRINT
- Writ on Cold Slate - OUT OF PRINT
- The Wrong Jarrow - OUT OF PRINT
- Yoke and Arrows
- Your Call Keeps Us Awake - OUT OF PRINT
- Your Call Keeps Us Awake - OUT OF PRINT
- Your Call Keeps Us Awake - OUT OF PRINT